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For one in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+21Posted:2017-09-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: moronboroncoronetcoronercoronacoronaltorontomoronicMeaning: adv. as a particular one of several possibilities. 
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121. It was an odd lapse for one who is normally so polite.
122. The findings for one group can be applied to the others.
123. He hadn't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad.
123. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
124. There were several other people absent that afternoon, weren't there? Mr Ashton for one.
125. You're talking over a thousand pounds minimum for one course.
126. Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester.
127. Putting aside the fact that the man has been in prison for one year,he would seem to be a suitable worker for the job.
128. I'm going to be sitting on the committee for one more year.
129. The system was introduced on a trial basis for one month.
130. Depending on your circumstances you may wish to opt for one method or the other.
131. He was suspended for one year because he head-butted the referee after the match for being dissatisfied with his judgment.
132. I'm not suggesting for one moment that these changes will be easy.
133. I'd like to change this dress for one in a larger size.
134. He is always riding somebody for one thing or another.
135. We just had time for one more round of drinks.
136. Lots of people would like to come -- your mother for one.
137. He has been barred from playing for one year because of his using excitant.
138. She's always getting after the children for one thing or another.
139. The aim is for one wire to carry both television and telephone calls.
140. We ask for one month's rent in advance, plus a deposit of $500.
141. The teacher is always at the pupils for one thing or another.
142. Searching for one man in this city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
143. The rest of you may disagree, but I, for one, think we should proceed with the plan.
144. Better have no war for a thousand days than slacken your vigilance for one day.
145. The teacher is always after the pupils for one thing or another.
146. He spoke for one and a half hours and barely paused for breath.
147. The men assembled for one last effort.
148. For one brief moment, women thought they saw hope.
149. A higher body count score, for one thing.
150. All for one and one for all. Alexandre Dumas 
More similar words: moronboroncoronetcoronercoronacoronaltorontomoroniccoronaryoxymoronfor one thingcoronationcoronary arterycoronary bypasscoronary care unitcoronary artery diseasecoronary artery bypass graftchlorofluorocarbonmoromoroseporousorotundsonorousodorousgo roundmoroccoamorousboroughmoroccanprorogue
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